SISHK Admissions – Privacy Policy and Parental Agreement
Privacy Policy
- The personal data collected from applicants and/or their parents/guardians in this application form will be used by the Singapore International School (Hong Kong) (“SISHK”) and The Singapore International School Foundation Limited (“SISF”) for various purposes including but not limited to:
• assessing the suitability of applicants for places in SISHK or SISF
• processing applications for admissions
• verification of the applicant’s examination results, academic records and other information
• school administration and operation after admissions
• statistical and research purposes; and
• other school related purposes.
- Personal data of applicants and their parents/guardians collected pursuant to this application form will be handled by relevant SISHK or SISF staff members and will be kept confidential.
- SISHK or SISF may disclose some of the data to third parties such as agencies (including the Hong Kong government), service providers and contractors (whether within or outside Hong Kong) appointed by SISHK or SISF to undertake some of its academic, pastoral and administrative functions. This includes transferring data between SISHK and SISF.
- Apart from the parties listed above, SISHK or SISF will not disclose any personal data to any external bodies or organisations unless:
• such disclosure is expressly provided for under this Statement;
• permitted to do so by the applicant or his/her parent/guardian; and/or
• permitted or required by law.
- Personal data may be stored in the SISHK or SISF database systems and online portals and whether the application is successful, such personal data will form part of the applicant’s official student records.
- In schools where there are Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) or Alumni Associations, SISHK or SISF may provide such personal data to the relevant Association for relevant activities conducted by the Association.
- After enrolment, SISHK or SISF may place a student’s photo, name or school work in SISHK or SISF website for publications.
- In the event where an applicant already has a sibling in SISHK or SISF, the school records of such sibling may be updated according to the data provided on the applicant’s application form where relevant.
- Failure to provide the requested data may result in SISHK or SISF being unable to process the application and influence the outcome of the application.
Parental Agreement
It is important that parents read and understand the following before submitting an application for a place in SISHK on behalf of their child.
- This application is only considered complete if accompanied by the receipt of the full application fee through electronic transfer or a signed cheque made payable to “The Singapore International School Foundation Limited”. Any bank charges incurred as a result of the payment of the application fee will be borne by the applicant’s parent(s)/legal guardians. Receipt of the application fee provides no assurance that an admissions assessment or school place will be offered. Only complete applications will be processed by the school.
- The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Applications received are only valid for the year of entry as per the application form and cannot be deferred to another academic year. If an offer of a place is made for an academic year and the applicant wishes to defer entry to another academic year, the applicant will be required to submit a new application and undergo another admissions assessment.
- Apart from the prescribed application fee, no other fees are required to be paid in connection to the submission of this application. Offering advantages to SISHK and the school’s staff in relation to the application may constitute a bribery offence under the laws of Hong Kong. In the event that such a situation should arise, SISHK reserves the right to restrict the admissions entry or withdraw the admissions offer.
- If an applicant is absent for an admissions assessment without first notifying the Admissions Team, the school reserves the right to close an application without further notice.
- SISHK has permission from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to obtain records from the applicant’s current and previous schools.
- A student may only enrol in SISHK if he/she is living with a parent or legal guardian who is a full-time resident in Hong Kong.
- In accordance with the regulations of the Education Bureau and Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR, all SISHK students must hold a valid Hong Kong permanent ID card and/or a valid passport with authorised residency status. A visitor visa does not entitle the holder to attend any school in Hong Kong.
- The school tuition fees and charges for admission are due as stated in the Fee Schedule. Tuition fees are payable via Autopay four times a year as per the Fee Schedule.
- The information provided in the application is accurate and complete to the best of the parent’s/legal guardian’s knowledge. SISHK reserves the right to restrict admissions entry or withdraw an admission offer if any information about the applicant is found to be inaccurate or if any important information is withheld from the school during the admissions process.
Updated as at Jan 2021