Homework Policy for Primary Years


At Singapore International School (Hong Kong), we believe that homework plays an essential role in reinforcing and extending learning beyond the classroom. It provides an opportunity for students to develop independent study skills, responsibility and time management. This homework policy aims to establish clear guidelines for students, parents and teachers to ensure a balanced and effective approach to homework.

Purpose of homework

Effective use of homework can:

  1. reinforce and deepen classroom learning;
  2. allow students to regularly practice and apply skills and concepts taught;
  3. foster good study skills and habits; and
  4. encourage greater ownership and responsibility for independent/self-directed learning.


1. Homework Load:

  1. The amount of homework assigned will be age-appropriate and aligned with the curriculum objectives.
  2. The following approximate time norm for explicit homework assignments and completion will be observed:
    Levels Proposed Weekly
    Time Norms
    Proposed Daily
    Time Norms
    Primary 1 & 2 2.5 – 4 hr 0.5 – 0.75 hr
    Primary 3 & 4 4 – 5 hr 0.75 – 1 hr
    Primary 5 & 6 5 – 8 hr 1 – 1.25 hr
  3. Teachers will consider the diverse needs of students and differentiate homework accordingly.
  4. If a homework task requires more than 45 minutes to complete, it should be given more than 1 day to complete.
  5. Homework load will be adjusted during weighted assessment periods (only applicable to P4 to P6) so that students will not be overloaded with preparation of weighted assessment and homework at the same time.

2. “Homework Corner” to monitor homework load:

  1. A “Homework Corner” on the whiteboard is created in each classroom where teachers with the help of a homework monitor can record the homework given to the class for the day/week.
  2. All subject teachers will moderate the amount of homework given based on what has already been assigned to the class.
  3. They will also communicate clearly the recommended time duration for the completion of each homework.
  4. For older children, virtual platforms (such as Google classrooms) may be used for teachers and students to manage the homework load.

3. Types of Homework:

  1. Homework will be purposeful, relevant, and connected to classroom learning.
  2. It may include practice exercises, reading assignments, research tasks, project work, or preparation work for assessments.
  3. Homework will be varied to cater to different learning styles and interests.
  4. It does not include revision of school work and studying for spelling and tests.

4. Homework Completion:

  1. Students are expected to complete homework assignments on time and to the best of their abilities.
  2. Parents should provide a suitable environment and necessary resources for homework completion.
  3. If a student is unable to complete homework due to exceptional circumstances, he or she is requested to inform the teacher in advance with the help of parents.
  4. The student planner can be used as a tool for communication between teachers and parents for homework completion issues.

5. Support and Guidance:

  1. Teachers will provide clear instructions and expectations for homework assignments.
  2. Students will be given adequate time in class to ask questions and seek clarification when homework is given.
  3. Some children may require parental support in completing the homework. Parents can be involved by providing guidance, monitoring progress, and offering assistance when needed.

6. Assessment and Feedback:

  1. Homework will be assessed and feedback will be provided to students to promote learning and improvement.
  2. Teachers will provide timely and constructive feedback to students, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

7. Homework-Free Days:

  1. To ensure a healthy work/school-life balance, there will be designated homework-free days during weekends, public holidays and school breaks.
  2. These days will provide students with an opportunity to relax, engage in co-curricular activities, and spend quality time with family.


Our homework policy aims to strike a balance between academic rigour and the well-being of our students. It is designed to support their learning journey, foster independence, and encourage a partnership between school and home. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that homework remains a valuable tool for enhancing student achievement and growth.