
To give our students authentic learning experiences outside of the classroom, there are a range of trips such as Learning Journeys to local organisations and events for all levels; discipline-based overseas Windows of the World (WOW) trips for Secondary students which provides students to gain different perspectives as well as experience their subject discipline in a different cultural context; and Diploma students co-ordinate and organise Community, Action and Service (CAS) trips as part of their IB Diploma Programme.

Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys enable students to experience their learning through hands-on and applied activities in real-life environments. For example,

  • PY1 students went on a learning journey to a fire station to learn more about firefighters when they were learning about community helpers;
  • P5 students visited Mai Po Nature Reserve on a Science Learning Journey to observe the living world of insects and other organisms more closely and learn about their interdependent relationships with their environment;
  • S2 students visited the Aberdeen Country Park on a Mathematics Experiential Learning Journey where they learnt to appreciate the use of algebra and function in Mathematics for modelling real life contexts, and developed a better understanding of the use of mathematics in bridge-building;
  • IGCSE Music students attended concerts by professional orchestras to widen their exposure to music of different genres, styles and historical periods, and thereby increased their appreciation and critique of music;
  • Diploma students taking Biology carried out ecology field work

Windows of the World (WoW) Trips

Every year our S1 to S3 secondary students venture out of Hong Kong on valuable learning experiences. The WOW trips are organised to provide students with an international perspective on the social, economic and cultural change and development in the world. In particular, we aim to expose students to the various regions in Asia Pacific which are experiencing a rapid rate of change and development.

In AY1718, our students went to

      • China to understand the interactions of Man and its environment to appreciate the Chinese culture, geography, cuisine, language and social environment;
      • India to appreciate history and culture of the Indians, and the rich diversity of language, religion of the people living in India;
      • Korea to appreciate and learn about the advances in science and technology
      • Vietnam to experience the social, economic and cultural landscape through fieldwork and visual art observation
      • Taiwan as part of the Primary School immersion trip through an exchange with a Taiwan school. Our students learnt and experienced the local culture and way of life of the people


In AY1819, our S3 students went to Vietnam to have a taste of the local culture, history and understand the agricultural challenges by visiting a farm and assist in planting crops. They also volunteered in a Primary school and conduct English lessons for two classes each from grades 3-5, ages 8-10 and refurbishing the walls that needed a fresh breath of life.

Click here to get live updates.

This took learning beyond the classroom and our students develop an international perspective in the issues and challenges face by a community living in another country.

CAS Trips

Our Diploma students are actively involved in the entire planning process of their Creativity, Activity, Service trips. This includes contacting the non-governmental oganisations (NGOs) they would be collaborating with, planning all the facilitation sessions, organising fundraisers for the NGO, etc. The CAS trips are focused on serving the community and are also a journey of self-discovery for the students. Diploma students have said that these were the most memorable trips for them!

In AY1819, our student went to

  • Cambodia to improve the local village’s living condition by building sanitary facilities and repairing houses. Click here to get the live updates.
  • Nanning China to perform construction work in an elderly village. Click here to get the live updates.
  • Beijing China to serve in an orphanage and bring joy to the children. Click here to get the live updates.
  • Mongolia to volunteer in cleaning a local village and to teach art and music to the children. Click here to get the live updates.