
Secondary education at SISHK provides a range of experiences to help students develop skills, competencies and values that will help them thrive in a fast-changing world. Most of our primary students stay with SISHK to complete their secondary and diploma studies.

The Secondary curriculum is modelled along the lines of the rigorous Singapore education system and offers a seamless natural path of progression to the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), and subsequently to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme.

This six-year curriculum is sequenced to promote a balanced development of the whole person in terms of intellectual, emotional, personal and social growth. Our students study a wide variety of academic subjects while experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of an international school with a Singapore flavour, which includes participation in co-curricular activities, leadership opportunities, sports, and social events.

Students also develop important study skills and habits in addition to language skills. The curriculum is aligned to the IB learning outcomes to ensure that our students become not just knowledgeable and reflective thinkers, but also principled, caring and responsible global citizens ready to take on the world.

Lower Secondary

Our Secondary One and Two curriculum is modelled after the rigorous Singapore syllabus. It is aligned to the Singapore lower secondary curriculum and is adapted to the Hong Kong SAR context. We offer a range of subjects to help our students to build a strong academic foundation and acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for progression to the next level.

The Singapore education system is often regarded as one of the best in the world with students in Singapore coming top in mathematics and science in worldwide benchmarking tests such as Programme for International Student Assessments (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

Upper Secondary

In Secondary Three and Four, students study towards the internationally-recognised Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum before progressing to the two-year IB Diploma Programme. They also enrol for the International Certificate of Education (ICE), which recognises the achievements of students who qualify and have performed well in seven IGCSE subjects from five different subject groups, including two different languages. The IGCSE with its detailed, in-depth syllabuses and clearly structured courses is excellent preparation for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.