Innovation and Design – Primary
The Innovation and Talent Development Department in SISHK aims to provide innovative education that equips our students to be inquisitive and creative problem solvers with the 21st century skills needed for the future workforce. We believe students need to shift from being passive consumers of digital media and products to active creators and innovators who possess entrepreneurial dare to solve real-life problems that could benefit others.

In line with the STEM initiative of SISHK, we offer the subject Innovation & Design (I & D) in the Primary Section that focuses on computational thinking and design thinking. Our students attend introductory classes as early as P3, where they learn how computers work and gain understanding of basic programming concepts such as logic, sequence and iteration. Our P4 to P6 students continue to develop their computational thinking and design thinking skills by learning different programming languages, such as Micro:bit Makecode, HTML, CSS and Javascript, and are involved in project-based learning that gives them the opportunity to create their own innovation, and our Makerspaces provide a safe and dynamic learning environment for them to turn their innovative ideas into realities.