The aim of SISHK’s Physical Education programme is to enable students to gain the knowledge, skills and values towards leading a healthy and active lifestyle. The PE programme focuses on physical movement and competency and through physical activities, both working individually and cooperatively, students can derive satisfaction and pleasure and use movement to develop as a whole person.

In Primary One and Two, the PE programme focuses on the development of Fundamental Movements Skills (FMS). FMS is a specific set of skills that involve different body parts such as feet, legs, trunk, head, arms and hands. They include skills like running, catching and balancing and are the foundation movements of life. These skills are the building blocks for more complex and specialised skills in sports activities. It is crucial for the children to develop these FMS from a young age.

The Primary Three to Primary Six programme further enhances the FMS and focuses on the development of the combined skills for different forms of sports and games. Students will develop more elaborate and specialised motor skills that are required in different sports and games via drills and modified games. Positive transfer of learning in sports will be the focus of learning at this stage. Positive transfer of learning occurs when the previous experience of performing a skill is beneficial for the learning of a new skill or for performance of the same skill in a different context. Students will apply the transfer of learning in actual game situations through participating in various categories of territorial-invasion, net-barrier and striking-fielding games.

PE engages students in unique ways. The rich experiences of having success in sports activities such as scoring a point, hitting a basket, completing a run or scoring a goal provide meaningful and joyful experiences for the students. To inculcate the joy of learning in PE, the duration for each unit has been extended to allow more time for the students to overcome the fear of learning new skills, give them more opportunities to be engaged and venture out further into a new field. This increases the chance of success in different skills or games which will then foster the joy of learning in PE. In addition, the joy comes from interacting and playing with their peers through a structured game. When an individual student is seen as a contributing member of a team, he or she feels appreciated and derives intangible feelings of happiness and contentment. Providing constructive feedback by the teachers and peers will also make the learning more joyful and meaningful. Not only will teachers provide feedback to the students, students are also given opportunities to discuss, exchange ideas and give meaningful peer feedback. Through this process, students will have a more in-depth understanding of the topics and be better able to interpret the meaning of the skills and concepts taught.